
特色猎鹰:Dr. 沙夫卡特·阿里·沙德

Dr. 沙夫卡特·阿里·沙德, Michael E. 斯蒂芬斯商学院.

Dr. Shafqat鲱鱼

你来自哪里,目前居住在哪个城市?我来自伊斯兰堡, 巴基斯坦, a city known for its beautiful scenery and lush greenery set against the Himalayan foothills. 我现在住在胡佛, 哪一个有着相似的景观和气候, 绿意盎然,气候温和. 这两个地方的自然美景让每个人都有家的感觉, 拥有共同的魅力和宜人的环境.

我获得了工程学博士学位.D.) in Computer Science and 技术 from the University of Science and 技术 of China, 我的研究重点是移动用户档案和轨迹挖掘. This rigorous program not only honed my technical skills but also provided me with a deep understanding of advanced data analysis techniques. 在这之前, I completed my Master of Computer Science at the COMSATS Institute of Information 技术 in 巴基斯坦. 在那里, I was honored with the Chancellor’s Gold Medal for my academic excellence and conducted significant research on data compression algorithms, 包括霍夫曼和LZW. These formative experiences laid a strong foundation for my career in data science and technology.


The chance to shape groundbreaking programs in data analytics and cybersecurity within the 斯蒂芬斯商学院 at this student-centric, 文理学院是非常令人兴奋的. The 澳门在线赌城娱乐 fosters a tight-knit community where students and professors know each other well, 创造一个支持性的, 几乎是家庭氛围. My enthusiasm for leveraging technology to address social causes finds a perfect match here, where educating and empowering the next generation of students can make a significant impact. It’s a rewarding environment where technology and education come together to drive meaningful change.

The best part of my role is the opportunity to shape and expand the data analytics and cybersecurity programs within a truly progressive environment. 与具有协作精神和前瞻性的团队一起工作, 我对公司的持续增长和推进项目的愿望感到兴奋, 学生成绩及课程. 总统坚定不移的支持, 教务长, 迪恩和我的同事们都是杰出的, 营造创新进步的氛围. This dynamic environment makes it possible to push boundaries and make significant strides in education and program development.

One of my favorite experiences has been organizing and leading bootcamps in collaboration with local non-governmental organizations. 通过这些训练营, 我获得了对行业需求和当地就业市场趋势的宝贵见解, which greatly informed the development of experiential learning in our data analytics courses. This hands-on approach has been instrumental in equipping our students with high-demand analytics skills, significantly enhancing their readiness for the job market and aligning their learning with real-world needs.

虽然我加入UM不久, I am proud to be part of a team dedicated to expanding and enhancing the data analytics and cybersecurity programs. One of the most rewarding aspects has been hearing from students who have successfully secured placements after graduation. Their success stories highlight the direct impact our programs have on their lives and the broader society. It’s incredibly fulfilling to see how the skills and knowledge gained here translate into meaningful career advancements and positive changes in both individual lives and the industry.

I have recently completed a mobile app development project funded by James Newman ’74, 会计学毕业生, 斯蒂芬斯商学院 donor and member of the college’s Business Advisory Board. We developed an application focused on assistive living and created paid internships for three of our data analytics and business core students. 我领导了这个项目, overseeing the creation of the software requirements specification and business plan. This endeavor is a prime example of how our experiential learning component and industry collaboration come together, 提供实际的, 为学生提供实践经验,同时培养宝贵的行业联系.

I belong at Montevallo because it offers a unique opportunity to make a substantial impact through teaching, 研究与产业合作. 这里的环境有利于增长和创新, which aligns perfectly with my personal goals of leveraging technology for social impact. 我热衷于帮助年轻人认识并实现他们的目标, and Montevallo’s supportive and forward-thinking atmosphere provides the ideal setting for this mission.

I am excited about the journey ahead at the 澳门在线赌城娱乐 and am grateful for the warm welcome I have received. I look forward to working with my colleagues and students to advance our programs and make a positive difference in our field and society.


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